Monday, September 30, 2013

eleven months

PRETEND We are just a few weeks shy of our cupcake's first birthday, when in actuality, I forgot to post this until days from her first birthday...
    I am just in awe of this past year and it's blessings. I could not see our lives without little Rilynn, and wonder how we got by before she came along. I am feverishly planning her first birthday party. Some people totally get my enthusiasm for a one year-old's party while others look at me like I am insane. Let me just tell you, Ri is the easiest, happiest baby on the planet (at least according to me) and I completely believe she is deserving of a big ole birthday party, whether she will remember it or not.

I also write this with bittersweet emotions for other reasons... Ri is completely off the bottle. I was going to start weaning her off but she took to the sippy so quickly that we literally just stopped the bottles completely in a day. It is much much easier without the bottle, but I am still kind of sad to see those damn things go. And I have since realized that sippy cups are a. more expensive, b. just as time consuming to clean. Ri was lazy for a while about holding her sippy if we were in arm's reach. If she didn't think I was watching, she would drink it by herself but if I was right there, she would fake like her arms didn't work. Smart one, kid. However, the day she started MDO, which was 3 days into the month, she came home holding her own sippy. So strange the things they will do when they are away from home.

Loves to sit in the mornings with her puffs and milk to start the day before breakfast

I am a bit sad about MDO but also very excited that she will get 2 days a week with kids her own age. We haven't been in a "group setting" since January when she was so tiny and got so sick at daycare. And she has literally been 100% healthy since then, so I am praying and praying that her little immune system is strong enough to combat all the new germs she will soon encounter. But watching other kids will help with her development, she will get art therapy and music and a daily bible lesson. She will be right by our house and my office so it will really be convenient as well.

Ri's new "tricks": Motioning "come" to the dogs, but also uses it for non-moving objects and when she wants more food. Her favorite book is Moo Baa La La La. Ask her, "What does the cow say?" and she will go, "Mmmmmm" since she hasn't figured out the lip movement of "moo" just yet. She points at everything and loves to "sort through" things- I will fold laundry out of the dryer as she stands there and hands me clothing items one at a time. She also loves to pull items out of my make-up bag, purse, her diaper bag, the tubberware cabinet and the lower shelves of the pantry door where I keep her snacks. She will pull something out, and then put it in my face as if to say, "Look Mommy! Look what I have!"
Sometimes she will pull her pacifier or teether out of her mouth and try to put it in my mouth. She thinks that is a hilarious game. She will feed Copper puffs and will sometimes tease him by holding it out to him and then quickly putting it in her mouth.
She started putting items BACK into their container halfway through the month.
She knows where her bellybutton is and will point at it.
She knows how to flip through the pictures on the iPhone and that the circle button on the front will light up the screen (scary, I know).
She is pointing at everything and wants you to name it- especially the ceiling fans and lights.
She has a bathtime routine- bath, point at the pictures of herself on the wall while I wrap her in a towel, brush her teeth and then she likes to turn off the light switch herself when we leave the bathroom.
She can now blow you a kiss, says Momma and means JUST me, and holds her arms out and pumps her fists in and out when she "wants more" or wants you to pick her up.
Baby Babble is the best DVD on the planet and she literally squeals to get in her car seat to watch it. She knows there are dalmatians that show up on the screen when you first turn on the DVD player so she immediately starts pointing at the screen, saying "Ca Ca" even before I turn it on. The 101 dalmatians commercials on Disney Junior are her favorite thing EVER but she is mesmerized by the songs at the beginning and end of shows like Little Einsteins, The Hugglemonsters, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (she likes the dancing at the end and will kick out one leg like Mickey does), and Special Agent Oso.

Not sure what to think of her new moccs

Checking out Daddy's new "beep" with Cop and Aunt Jess

I love the way she sits

Very sharing
She is NOT a picky eater. Matter of fact, she has yet to turn a single thing down that we have placed on her tray. The girl can eat, and I honestly believe would eat all day long if she didn't have to sit still to do it. She is a busy body though so I guess she burns it all off and that would explain how tiny she is. She eats 3 meals a day as well as a snack and gets 4oz of milk with each. I give her a sippy cup of water throughout the day. She still only has 2 teeth so we still do a lot of baby foods, just chunkier blends, and then soft table foods like hamburger meat, light fish, pulled chicken, fresh deli meats, soft veggies and pasta.

She is great with her walker now. At first, she would get beside herself when she would back it into a corner and couldn't figure out how to get it out. Bless it. She is flying through the house these days. She will stand and hold a toy in both hands. As soon as she realizes it, she becomes a little weary and grabs on to the nearest thing. She is a lover of climbing, and took her first 3 steps at the end of the month. She will take a few and then plop down to her knees, which explains her very bruised kneecaps. It is going to be any day now that we are off and running. Goody.

We are still sleeping like a champ, at night that is. She has suddenly taken naps out of her equations. We went from 3 to 1 tiny nap so we are trying to get back on track with that. As for nighttime, however, that has helped us push her bedtime up just a bit.

Ri rode the new carousel at the mall, met her Aunt Jenn from Ohio and attended another buddy's birthday party.

We had our first weekend of college football. Can't believe how much she has changed since the last time she wore her Auburn gear.

We are beginning to open and close cabinets, and are intrigued by swinging a door back and forth. She shut herself in the dark in the guest bathroom not too long ago. That was fun. How do you tell an infant to move away from the door so I can open it and get her out?! So yea, we are finishing the babyproofing this week.

And she is also doing a bit more independent play where she doesn't have to be right by my side. Many days when we get home from school, she goes straight to her room to pull her babies out and independent play for a few minutes (while I am peeking around the corner taking pictures of her loving on her babies). I die.

I am telling you what. This kid is the best thing since sliced bread. No, she is way better than even that. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

the shore life

Crazy life has kept me from dishing on the shore life- our 1st family vacay to the beach! We went to our beach of choice, Orange Beach, AL for the last week of July to celebrate my MIL's 50th birthday. That was all she wanted- a week at the beach with the babe. We had a blast. My in-laws are super cooks so we naturally just ate in the condo every night for dinner and just hung out. During the day we lived in the sand. Ri and I would play in her baby pool under the tent and occasionally go down with the fam for a dip in the ocean. Ri was never against the ocean, but by the end of the week, she LOVED it. She was digging the sand from day one and apparently liked the gritty texture because she continuously tried to eat it. This was also the trip where we discovered just how much Italian she actually inherited, and although she won't ever be as dark as her daddy and uncles, she definitely tans very very well. I, however, came back looking like I hadn't even seen the beach since I sat under the tent the whole time.
Lisa's actual birthday day called for a day on the boat. We spent some time at Pirate's Cove & then the rest of the day at Pensacola Pass. Ri loved everything about everything EXCEPT that damn life jacket. I am talking screaming.bloody.murder all the way from The Wharf to Pirate's Cove. Needless to say, I was ready for a multiple bushwhackers once we arrived.
The car ride to and from the beach went exceptionally well. I would like to say it is all because we swapped her to a convertible carseat the day before we departed, and it was the first time I popped in her Baby Babble DVD. She watched it on repeat the whole way down and the whole way back home. It is god-sent. Go get it! We are now on disc 2 and it is like a special treat for her to get in the car because it is the only place she gets to watch it. I have not had an issue getting her in the car seat since. Can't rave enough.

She preferred to be naked than to wear a wet suit. Don't blame her a bit.

Her first glimpse of the ocean

ten months


oh geez. I am all sorts of out of whack/schedule/sync these days. The summer flew by, was crazy busy- yet I don't feel like we ever really did anything- and now I am back at work so we are just now getting around to our ten month post- one day shy of 11 months. That is ok. I am trying to teach myself to let stuff go. So I am letting it go that I am a week late posting. So now, let's try and figure out what all Ri developed in the past fleeting month...

Ri is saying Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Hey AND Ca-Ca (which is supposed to be Copper or Cop Cop). She usually says Ma-Ma when she is super tired or whining, and Da-Da for everything else. Ri went to the beach for a week this month- her first beach trip. She loved every second of being out there.

She also had a week of tears when she went down at night; I wonder if she knew I was going back to work that week.

She is definitely a mama's girl these days and is clinging to me at all times. It is frustrating sometimes when I really need to get things done, but all in all it is so precious and I cherish her loving on me for I know one day I will long for it again.

A few things I will one day forget: she started giving open mouth kisses this month and will even give them to her doggies. It is too precious.
She has a funny face she will make sometimes and I still have no idea where it came from or what she is doing. She will crinkle her nose, puff out her cheeks, pucker her lips and blow air out of her nose- sorta like a kid who is huffing and puffing over not getting their way. It is the cutest thing to watch.

I sadly cannot remember all of the details of July and now know why I swore to do these posts to begin with, but I can hardly remember what I did yesterday anymore, let alone a month ago. It was our last few weeks of Summer vacay so for the most part, we just cuddled on the couch anyways. Either way, here
are some pictures from the month...


mommy + mini

trying on hats for the beach!

the dog days of summer

reading her favorite book

loving her new convertible carseat!

one of her favorite pasttimes

a little morning sensory play

can we say HAPPY?!